Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Life away from parents

I remember when i was in High School when me and my friends would discuss about how we could not wait to move out of our parents house. We always felt like we didn't have freedom and refereed to our homes as 'jail'. we would always talk about how excited we were to go to college and do all the things we couldn't do whilst at home. We could stay up late as much we wanted, go out with friends whenever we wanted and never have to ask for permission. We thought that was really living and enjoying life and couldn't wait. The further away, the better, we thought.
Well, to my horror l hate living away from my parents. It is not as great as i imagined it to be. I miss my mom's cooking and family activities. I miss my Dad's blessings whenever i got sick. I miss my little sisters whom i always fought with. I miss my little brother whom i always thought was annoying. I miss just going back home from school to see my mom happy and smiling and anxious to hear how my day at school was. I miss it all.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. It is true. I only get to see them twice a year which is not bad. I always look forward to visiting them and spending time with them. Life away from my parents is not that great after all for with each day, i miss them more and more.

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